Document Type : Scientific research


1 Doctoral student of jurisprudence and private law, Azad University, Torbat Heydarieh branch, Iran

2 Assistant professor at Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Torbat-e Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat-e Heydarieh, iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Mashhad.iran


Due to the fundamental inconsistency of some judicial and criminal procedures on social phenomena in Islam and the West, the unique capacity of Islamic jurisprudence in formulating and expanding the legal aspects of phenomena and the need to pay attention to indigenous knowledge, action research and research, the present study is a systematic effort to Investigating the emerging phenomenon of misleading commercial propaganda and finding a ground for a jurisprudential and indigenous approach to deal with this phenomenon. The results of qualitative meta-analysis of more than two decades of research in this field showed that these advertisements are in four basic misleading dimensions due to information deletion, Misleading due to semantic ambiguity, misleading due to comparison of characteristics, and misleading due to non-fulfillment of claim are realized by different theories in psychology, linguistics, and social sciences.

It was also found that the Islamic jurisprudence has both preventive and productive capacities to deal with this phenomenon.

Accordingly, a four-step conceptual model of legislation was proposed in the all stages of which the Islamic jurisprudence has theoretical capacities which can be manipulated and used.




  • The Holy Qur'an
  • Aaker, David. (1974). Deceptive advertising, in consumerism: search for the consumer interest. Free Press. New York.
  • AdabiFirouzjah, Razak; Mohseni Dehkalani, Mohammad; Ali Moradi, Amanullah (2016). Regulations of  Laqud Leman La YaqadMenah , Jurisprudential and Usuli Inquiries, No. 4. (In Persian).
  • Ahmad, Mohammad. (1992). The protection of depreciation in Islamic jurisprudence; PhD thesis, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Akbari, Parviz; Arabian, Asghar. (2019). Examining the scope of the rule of warning in subject law, Islamic Jurisprudential Foundations, 13 (25). (In Persian).
  • Al-Turki, abdallah. AsbabAkhtil-aaf al-Fuqaha. (2010). Third edition, Resalah Publishers.
  • Ansari, Sheikh Morteza. (1995). Al Makasab; Vol. 2, Dar al-Hikma publication. (In Arabic).
  • Bakar, MohdDaud. (2002). The Shari'a Supervisory Board and Issues of Shari'a Rulings and their Harmonization in Islamic Banking and Finance. In Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, edited by Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, 74-89. London: Euromoney Books and AAOIFI.
  • Berger, Klause and Arntz, Thoma. (2016). Good faith as a ‘general organizing principle’ of the common law , Arbitration International, Vol. 32.
  • Burke, Sandra; Sandra, Millberg& Wendy, Moe. (1997). displaying common but previously neglected health claims on product labels: understanding competitive advantages, deception, and education , Journal of Public policy & Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 3.
  • Chimezie, Raymond. (2020). Deceptive advertising and consumer reaction , Open Access Library Journal, Vol. 7, No. 11.
  • Shiravi, Abdolhossein and Harandi, Mahshid. (2009). Unfair trade through dumping and how to deal with it in the World Trade Organization , Journal of Private Law, 7 (17). (In Persian).
  • Cialdini, Robert. (2001). Influence: science and practice, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Cohen, Dorothy. (1980). The FTC's advertising Substantiation Program , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44, No. 1.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
  • Ebrahimi, Ruhollah; Khoshdoni, Mehdi; Khoshnoudi, Hadi; Farakhipour, Sajjad. (2019). Investigation of the localization of the fairness component in the validity of making fateful tests with an emphasis on educational jurisprudence , Educational Jurisprudence Studies, No. 13. (In Persian).
  • Fayyad, Mahmoud. (2012). Misleading advertising practices in consumer transactions: can Arab lawmakers gain an advantage from European Insight , Arab Law Quarterly, Vol. 26. (In Arabic).
  • Foster, Nicholas H. D. (2007). Islamic Finance Law as an Emergent Legal System. Arab Law Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 2.
  • Gardner, D. (1975). Deception in advertising: A conceptual approach , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, No. 11.
  • Ghazali, Mohammad. (1972). Revival of Ulum al-Din; Scientific and cultural publications. (In Arabic).
  • Grais, Wafik, and Matteo Pellegrini. (2006). Corporate Governance and Shariah Compliance in Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
  • Grice, Paul. (1975). Logic and conversation in syntax and semantics. New York: Academic Press.
  • Grunert, Klaus&Dedler, Konrad. (1985). Misleading advertising: in search of a measurement methodology , Journal of public policy & marketing, Vol. 4.
  • Gubooli Darafshan, Seyyed Mohammad; Bakhtiarvand, Mustafa; Agha Mohammadi, Akram. (2014). Jurisprudential review of misleading commercial advertisements , Comparative Research of Islamic and Western Laws, No. 2. (In Persian).
  • HorAmeli, Mohammad Ibn Hasan. (1993). Al-Shia devices; Volume 8, Al Bayt al-Hiya al-Tarath, Qom. (In Arabic).
  • Harris, Richard, Michael.Trusty, John, Bechtold, & Louise, W. (1989). Memory for implied versus directly stated advertising claims , Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 2.
  • Hastak, Manog. and Mazis, Michael. (2011). Deception by implication: a typology of truthful but misleading advertising and labeling claims , Journal of public policy and marketing, Vol. 30, No. 2.
  • Hegaz, Walid. (2005). Fatwas and the Fate of Islamic Finance: A Critique of the Practice of Fatwa in Contemporary Islamic Financial Markets. In Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, edited by Nazim Ali: Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Studies Program, Harvard Law School.
  • Hosseini Nesab, Ali et al. (2021). Civil responsibility caused by false advertising in the legal system of Iran and America with an emphasis on ethical principles , Bioethics, No. 36.
  • Inteziri, Alireza; MohagheghDamad, Seyyed Mustafa. (2011). The role of the rules of waste and attribution in civil liability , Fiqh and Usul, 44(2).
  • Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. (2007). Shari’ah and Civil Law: Towards a Methodology of Harmonization. Islamic Law and Society, Vol. 14, No.3.
  • Kardes, Frank. (1993). Consumer inference: determinants, consequences, and implications for advertising (eds). In advertising exposure, memory, and choice, A.A. Mitchell, ed. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Kesnavi, Shadi. (2016). Study of the jurisprudential rule of honoring right and wrong  from the perspective of law and economics. Fiqh and Usul, No. 4.
  • Lankarani, Mohammad Fazel. (2004). al-Qa'ama al-fiqhiyyah; Ch 1, Qom, Iran. (In Arabic).
  • Lankarani, Mohammad Fazil; Al-Qawam al-Fiqhiyyah. (2004). Ch2, Qom, Center for Jurisprudence of the Imams. (In Arabic).
  • Macckay, Ejan. (2010). Good Faith in Civil Law Systems: A Legal Economic Analysis , Chilean Journal of Private Law, Vol. 18.
  • Marzban, Samira et al. (2022). Presenting the fair trade model in order to achieve the competitive advantage of food industry exporting companies , Journal of International Business Administration, 5 (4).
  • Mahmoudi, Akbar. (2019). Methodology of Ijtihad in Emerging Issues , Jurisprudential and Usuli Essays, No. 2, 2019.
  • MakaremShirazi, Nasser. (2004). The rules of jurisprudence; Qom, Imam Ali School.
  • Martin, Brett, Wentzel, Daniel&Tomczak, Torsten. (2008). Effects of susceptibility to normative influence and type of testimonial on attitudes toward print advertising , Journal of Advertising, Vol. 37, No. 1.
  • MohagheghDamad, Mustafa; Amirhosseini, Amin. (2018). Analysis of the right of consumers of pharmaceutical products to safety in Iranian law, Imami jurisprudence and European Union documents , Comparative Law Research, 23 (4).
  • MohagheghDamad, Mustafa. (1995). The Rules of Civil Jurisprudence; Tehran, Samt. (In Persian).
  • Mohammad Hashim, Kamali. (2007).Shari’ah and Civil Law: Towards a Methodology of Harmonization. Islamic Law and Society, No. 14, Vol. 3.
  • Montazeri, Saleh; Zarei, Mohammad Mehdi; MohsaniDehkalani, Mohammad. (2015). Jurisprudential Reflections on Justice and Insaf  Rulemaking , Jurisprudential Research, No. 4.
  • Mousavi Bejnordi, Mirzahasan. (1990). al-Qa'baam al-Fiqhiyyah, vol. 1, Qom, Ismailian. (In Persian).
  • Mousavi Bojanvardi, Mirza Hassan. (2007). The rules of jurisprudence; Qom, Charters. (In Persian).
  • Naini, Mohammad Hossein. (2003). Mania Talib; Qom, Al-Nashar al-Islami Institute. (In Arabic).
  • Norman, Donald.A, &Bobrow, Daniel. (1976). On the role of active memory processes in perception and Cognition, San Francisco, Freeman.
  • Omidifard, Abdullah; Pilehvar, Marzieh. (2016). Jurisprudential examination of the rule of guiding the ignorant , Jurisprudence Research, No. 3. (In Persian).
  • Posner, Richard-Allen. (2007). Economic analysis of law, Wolters Kluwer, Austin.
  • Roe, Brian; Levy, Alan & Derby, Brenda. (1999). The impact of health claims on consumer search and product evaluation outcomes: results from FDA experimental data , Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 1.
  • Saeedi Abu Ishaqi, Mohsen. (2015). Examination of the thematic logic of traditional jurisprudence in new issues , Interdisciplinary Jurisprudential Research Journal (Jurisprudential Research Journal), No. 8. (In Persian).
  • Sahib Javaher, Najafi, Mohammad Hassan. (1983). Jawaharlal Kalam in the description of the laws of Islam; Vol. 38, Ch. 7, Beirut, Dar al-Ahia al-Tarath al-Arabi. (In Arabic).
  • Schafer, Hans, Bernd. &Aksoy, Huseyn- Can. (2015). Alive and well: the good faith principle in Turkish contract law , European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 42.
  • Schutz, Howard. G. & Casey, Marrine. (1981). Consumer perceptions of advertising as misleading . Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 15.
  • Schwartz, Alan. (2003). The law and economics approach to contract theory, In: Wittman DE (ed) Economic analysis of the law, Blackwell, Maiden.
  • Shimp, T & Preston, I. (1981). Deceptive and non-deceptive consequences of evaluative advertising , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 45, No. 1.
  • Shimp, Terence. (1978). Do Incomplete Comparison Mislead? . Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 18.
  • Tabarsi, Fazl bin Hasan. (1987). Al-Bayan Assembly in Al-Tafsir al-Qur'an Beirut, publishing house, Daral-e-Mareh for printing and publishing. (In Arabic).
  • Tabatabai, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein. (1996). Al-Mizan in Tafsir of the Qur'an; Volume 4, Tehran, Iran, DarulKitab al-Islamiya. (In Arabic).
  • Teubner, Gunther. (1989). How the Law Thinks: Toward a Constructivist Epistemology of Law , Law &Society Review, Vol. 23, No. 5.
  • Turk M.A., Cooke E.F. (2015). What Is False, Deceptive or Misleading Advertising? In: Lindquist J.D. (eds) Proceedings of the 1984 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham.
  • Andre &Breuker, Joost. (1996). A Functional Ontology of Law, Online Published Text, University of Amesterdam.
  • Ziaifar, Saeed. (2018). Government Approach in Jurisprudence , Journal of Political Science Seminary, No. 53.




    • The Holy Qur'an
    • Aaker, David. (1974). Deceptive advertising, in consumerism: search for the consumer interest. Free Press. New York.
    • AdabiFirouzjah, Razak; Mohseni Dehkalani, Mohammad; Ali Moradi, Amanullah (2016). Regulations of  Laqud Leman La YaqadMenah , Jurisprudential and Usuli Inquiries, No. 4. (In Persian).
    • Ahmad, Mohammad. (1992). The protection of depreciation in Islamic jurisprudence; PhD thesis, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
    • Akbari, Parviz; Arabian, Asghar. (2019). Examining the scope of the rule of warning in subject law, Islamic Jurisprudential Foundations, 13 (25). (In Persian).
    • Al-Turki, abdallah. AsbabAkhtil-aaf al-Fuqaha. (2010). Third edition, Resalah Publishers.
    • Ansari, Sheikh Morteza. (1995). Al Makasab; Vol. 2, Dar al-Hikma publication. (In Arabic).
    • Bakar, MohdDaud. (2002). The Shari'a Supervisory Board and Issues of Shari'a Rulings and their Harmonization in Islamic Banking and Finance. In Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, edited by Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, 74-89. London: Euromoney Books and AAOIFI.
    • Berger, Klause and Arntz, Thoma. (2016). Good faith as a ‘general organizing principle’ of the common law , Arbitration International, Vol. 32.
    • Burke, Sandra; Sandra, Millberg& Wendy, Moe. (1997). displaying common but previously neglected health claims on product labels: understanding competitive advantages, deception, and education , Journal of Public policy & Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 3.
    • Chimezie, Raymond. (2020). Deceptive advertising and consumer reaction , Open Access Library Journal, Vol. 7, No. 11.
    • Shiravi, Abdolhossein and Harandi, Mahshid. (2009). Unfair trade through dumping and how to deal with it in the World Trade Organization , Journal of Private Law, 7 (17). (In Persian).
    • Cialdini, Robert. (2001). Influence: science and practice, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
    • Cohen, Dorothy. (1980). The FTC's advertising Substantiation Program , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44, No. 1.
    • Creswell, J.W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    • Ebrahimi, Ruhollah; Khoshdoni, Mehdi; Khoshnoudi, Hadi; Farakhipour, Sajjad. (2019). Investigation of the localization of the fairness component in the validity of making fateful tests with an emphasis on educational jurisprudence , Educational Jurisprudence Studies, No. 13. (In Persian).
    • Fayyad, Mahmoud. (2012). Misleading advertising practices in consumer transactions: can Arab lawmakers gain an advantage from European Insight , Arab Law Quarterly, Vol. 26. (In Arabic).
    • Foster, Nicholas H. D. (2007). Islamic Finance Law as an Emergent Legal System. Arab Law Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 2.
    • Gardner, D. (1975). Deception in advertising: A conceptual approach , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, No. 11.
    • Ghazali, Mohammad. (1972). Revival of Ulum al-Din; Scientific and cultural publications. (In Arabic).
    • Grais, Wafik, and Matteo Pellegrini. (2006). Corporate Governance and Shariah Compliance in Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
    • Grice, Paul. (1975). Logic and conversation in syntax and semantics. New York: Academic Press.
    • Grunert, Klaus&Dedler, Konrad. (1985). Misleading advertising: in search of a measurement methodology , Journal of public policy & marketing, Vol. 4.
    • Gubooli Darafshan, Seyyed Mohammad; Bakhtiarvand, Mustafa; Agha Mohammadi, Akram. (2014). Jurisprudential review of misleading commercial advertisements , Comparative Research of Islamic and Western Laws, No. 2. (In Persian).
    • HorAmeli, Mohammad Ibn Hasan. (1993). Al-Shia devices; Volume 8, Al Bayt al-Hiya al-Tarath, Qom. (In Arabic).
    • Harris, Richard, Michael.Trusty, John, Bechtold, & Louise, W. (1989). Memory for implied versus directly stated advertising claims , Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 2.
    • Hastak, Manog. and Mazis, Michael. (2011). Deception by implication: a typology of truthful but misleading advertising and labeling claims , Journal of public policy and marketing, Vol. 30, No. 2.
    • Hegaz, Walid. (2005). Fatwas and the Fate of Islamic Finance: A Critique of the Practice of Fatwa in Contemporary Islamic Financial Markets. In Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, edited by Nazim Ali: Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Studies Program, Harvard Law School.
    • Hosseini Nesab, Ali et al. (2021). Civil responsibility caused by false advertising in the legal system of Iran and America with an emphasis on ethical principles , Bioethics, No. 36.
    • Inteziri, Alireza; MohagheghDamad, Seyyed Mustafa. (2011). The role of the rules of waste and attribution in civil liability , Fiqh and Usul, 44(2).
    • Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. (2007). Shari’ah and Civil Law: Towards a Methodology of Harmonization. Islamic Law and Society, Vol. 14, No.3.
    • Kardes, Frank. (1993). Consumer inference: determinants, consequences, and implications for advertising (eds). In advertising exposure, memory, and choice, A.A. Mitchell, ed. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    • Kesnavi, Shadi. (2016). Study of the jurisprudential rule of honoring right and wrong  from the perspective of law and economics. Fiqh and Usul, No. 4.
    • Lankarani, Mohammad Fazel. (2004). al-Qa'ama al-fiqhiyyah; Ch 1, Qom, Iran. (In Arabic).
    • Lankarani, Mohammad Fazil; Al-Qawam al-Fiqhiyyah. (2004). Ch2, Qom, Center for Jurisprudence of the Imams. (In Arabic).
    • Macckay, Ejan. (2010). Good Faith in Civil Law Systems: A Legal Economic Analysis , Chilean Journal of Private Law, Vol. 18.
    • Marzban, Samira et al. (2022). Presenting the fair trade model in order to achieve the competitive advantage of food industry exporting companies , Journal of International Business Administration, 5 (4).
    • Mahmoudi, Akbar. (2019). Methodology of Ijtihad in Emerging Issues , Jurisprudential and Usuli Essays, No. 2, 2019.
    • MakaremShirazi, Nasser. (2004). The rules of jurisprudence; Qom, Imam Ali School.
    • Martin, Brett, Wentzel, Daniel&Tomczak, Torsten. (2008). Effects of susceptibility to normative influence and type of testimonial on attitudes toward print advertising , Journal of Advertising, Vol. 37, No. 1.
    • MohagheghDamad, Mustafa; Amirhosseini, Amin. (2018). Analysis of the right of consumers of pharmaceutical products to safety in Iranian law, Imami jurisprudence and European Union documents , Comparative Law Research, 23 (4).
    • MohagheghDamad, Mustafa. (1995). The Rules of Civil Jurisprudence; Tehran, Samt. (In Persian).
    • Mohammad Hashim, Kamali. (2007).Shari’ah and Civil Law: Towards a Methodology of Harmonization. Islamic Law and Society, No. 14, Vol. 3.
    • Montazeri, Saleh; Zarei, Mohammad Mehdi; MohsaniDehkalani, Mohammad. (2015). Jurisprudential Reflections on Justice and Insaf  Rulemaking , Jurisprudential Research, No. 4.
    • Mousavi Bejnordi, Mirzahasan. (1990). al-Qa'baam al-Fiqhiyyah, vol. 1, Qom, Ismailian. (In Persian).
    • Mousavi Bojanvardi, Mirza Hassan. (2007). The rules of jurisprudence; Qom, Charters. (In Persian).
    • Naini, Mohammad Hossein. (2003). Mania Talib; Qom, Al-Nashar al-Islami Institute. (In Arabic).
    • Norman, Donald.A, &Bobrow, Daniel. (1976). On the role of active memory processes in perception and Cognition, San Francisco, Freeman.
    • Omidifard, Abdullah; Pilehvar, Marzieh. (2016). Jurisprudential examination of the rule of guiding the ignorant , Jurisprudence Research, No. 3. (In Persian).
    • Posner, Richard-Allen. (2007). Economic analysis of law, Wolters Kluwer, Austin.
    • Roe, Brian; Levy, Alan & Derby, Brenda. (1999). The impact of health claims on consumer search and product evaluation outcomes: results from FDA experimental data , Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 1.
    • Saeedi Abu Ishaqi, Mohsen. (2015). Examination of the thematic logic of traditional jurisprudence in new issues , Interdisciplinary Jurisprudential Research Journal (Jurisprudential Research Journal), No. 8. (In Persian).
    • Sahib Javaher, Najafi, Mohammad Hassan. (1983). Jawaharlal Kalam in the description of the laws of Islam; Vol. 38, Ch. 7, Beirut, Dar al-Ahia al-Tarath al-Arabi. (In Arabic).
    • Schafer, Hans, Bernd. &Aksoy, Huseyn- Can. (2015). Alive and well: the good faith principle in Turkish contract law , European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 42.
    • Schutz, Howard. G. & Casey, Marrine. (1981). Consumer perceptions of advertising as misleading . Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 15.
    • Schwartz, Alan. (2003). The law and economics approach to contract theory, In: Wittman DE (ed) Economic analysis of the law, Blackwell, Maiden.
    • Shimp, T & Preston, I. (1981). Deceptive and non-deceptive consequences of evaluative advertising , Journal of Marketing, Vol. 45, No. 1.
    • Shimp, Terence. (1978). Do Incomplete Comparison Mislead? . Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 18.
    • Tabarsi, Fazl bin Hasan. (1987). Al-Bayan Assembly in Al-Tafsir al-Qur'an Beirut, publishing house, Daral-e-Mareh for printing and publishing. (In Arabic).
    • Tabatabai, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein. (1996). Al-Mizan in Tafsir of the Qur'an; Volume 4, Tehran, Iran, DarulKitab al-Islamiya. (In Arabic).
    • Teubner, Gunther. (1989). How the Law Thinks: Toward a Constructivist Epistemology of Law , Law &Society Review, Vol. 23, No. 5.
    • Turk M.A., Cooke E.F. (2015). What Is False, Deceptive or Misleading Advertising? In: Lindquist J.D. (eds) Proceedings of the 1984 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham.
    • Andre &Breuker, Joost. (1996). A Functional Ontology of Law, Online Published Text, University of Amesterdam.
    • Ziaifar, Saeed. (2018). Government Approach in Jurisprudence , Journal of Political Science Seminary, No. 53.