Document Type : Scientific research


Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University of Rasht, Rasht, Iran


The pursuit of subsidiaries in a manner that is obtained through direct orders from the parent company necessitates the pursuit of the parent company. Direct access to the parent company and its pursuit should be considered an essential necessity. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to overlook the identity of the subsidiary cmpany with an economic approach.
Access to the parent company should not lead to a decline in market capacity. Pursuing the parent company as a result of overlooking the independent identities of the subsidiary companies will reduce the existing capacities in that market. Therefore, access to the parent company must be carried out in such a way that, while accepting the identity of the subsidiary companies, no harm is done to the productivity indices of the market.
An economic approach requires that bypassing the subsidiary companies and accessing the parent company should not be called an exception to the Principle of Contractual Relativity. Emphasis on Utility Indices requires that, in pursuing the parent company, the basis for accessing it is summarized by the intrinsic will of the subsidiary companies.



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