Document Type : Scientific research


1 PhD Candidate in Private Law, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Professor in Islamic Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor Assistant in Private Law, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


Although it is usually aesthetic when it comes to fashion and its concept, it is a way of looking at and thinking about certain things, subjects, and objects in a particular time and place within the concept. Fashion itself is a strong reason to place this issue in the context of intellectual property rights. Fashion-related rights (cover-beauty) are considered as one of the most important areas and areas of intellectual property rights that, with their monetization features, have an undoubted role in the flourishing of the industry. And the economies of the countries are playing. In French law, the historical record of fashion protection dates back to 1806, and the discussion of special protection for creations and clothing goods - as one of the most fashionable examples, formally introduced in the country since 1902 Has been.
In addition to the adoption of a specific statute in this field after the aforementioned time-frame, pursuant to paragraph 14 of L-112-2 and Fifth Book of Intellectual Property Law (Articles L-511-1 onwards), garment-related products, seasonal industry, Designs and models, as well as cover and beauty creations, are examples of patents on industrial property rights, including patent, trademark, competition law, and industrial design. And. In Iranian law, it is possible to compare legal safeguards in this matter by comparing the rules and regulations governing industrial property and by adopting a common chapter between the rules governing industrial property law. The aforementioned claim is further reinforced when the Iranian legislator, pursuant to Article 4 of the Fashion and Clothing Regulations Act of 2006, produces designs and patterns, textiles and clothing based on Iranian-Islamic symbols, subject to the protection of authors 'and authors' rights and industrial property rights. Simultaneously, put together.
Fashion in the word means new taste and new style, but in the term, it is a sudden change in taste of a group of people that results in a tendency to behave in a particular way or to consume a particular commodity or to promote a particular style of life. The term is close to words such as modernity, modernity and modernization. In medieval Europe, these words were avoided and the new and new category was described by the word "New". The new object (phenomenon) was a new one that belonged to the heavenly realm and came from God's creativity and divine creativity. In contrast, the "modern" and "fashion" phenomena belonged to the terrestrial and atrium. Fashion came from the human will for creativity and had a concept close to "innovation" in Islamic culture. But with the de-socialization of European social affairs in the Age of Enlightenment, words such as modern and modern were also sanctified and increasingly popularized.
 In addition, according to what some French writers have written, fashion can be defined as an aesthetic criterion accepted by a certain segment of society. In some French-language public cultures, fashion is defined as: "Fashion is a certain style and style of life and thinking in a particular period or country or place."
  As seen in this definition, in France, the definition of fashion is so broadly expressed that it encompasses even the type and way of thinking of a person at a particular time. Another important point about the above definition is that mention of words such as the particular "period", "country" and "place" brings to mind the relative and temporality of this concept.
In France, the concept of fashion has been favored by the French legislature, as well as the formation of intellectual property law in that country, and in addition to legal writing, it has considered fashion as a framework for intellectual property rights protection., Are explicitly protected in the field of patronage in the field of law, seasonal and cosmetic industries including apparel, leather, cosmetics, etc.
With the development of the concept of industry, fashion-related creative rights as one of the most important manifestations of intellectual property rights, have their own doctrine and doctrine, and to a considerable extent protected. It has the capacity of legal protection. Fashion-related creations, irrespective of their widespread and varied concept and application, from the aspect of industrial property rights, to French law, as outlined in the legal literature on this subject, within the context of various instances, including design supervisory rights. Models, patents, industrial designs, trade secrets, trademarks, etc. are protected and the provisions of each of the above will apply.
 In Iranian law as well as in French law, as in French law, and in the interpretation of this discussion, however, there has been little talk of French industrial law, however, with its reliance on the teachings of French industrial property law and comparison. It can be found with the laws of Iran and the Islamic-Iranian criteria, as well as the application of the rules governing each case of industrial property in relation to this subject, the terms and conditions of joint protection of this branch of intellectual property rights.


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