How to submit a manuscript

The corresponding author should register in the journal website first, then enter to the “new manuscript submission” and complete all required information.

Journal website:

The required files to upload in the journal website

1. Authors’ profile (authors’ names, rank positions, affiliations (in Persian and English), email addresses, and corresponding author’s contact number. This part should be written and upload separately from the main text in the journal website.

2. Main text file: It should be written in Microsoft Word Office and according to journal format.

3. Authors’ statement form: All the authors should complete authors’ statement form to confirm that their submitted manuscript is an original and valid work and hasn’t already published in other journals in any language nor submitted to other journal at the same time. All the authors should be aware of the manuscript content and its submission. Also, the corresponding author is responsible to specify the authors’ roles and how they cooperate for preparing the manuscript.

4. Conflict of interest form: It happens when professional judgement about primary benefit such as research validity is influenced by secondary benefit such as financial benefit. When the authors sign this form, they declare that they haven’t receive any money for the research or if they had financial support, they have clarified the source of this support. The purpose of this form is giving information to the reader that can affected on how to receive the manuscript. The authors should also submit this form when they submit the manuscript to confirm that they are responsible for its accuracy.

How to prepare the original version of the manuscript

Persian abstract and also English Extended abstract are necessary for submitting a manuscript to this journal.

Abstract: The importance of abstract is very clear, because this section gives an overall view of the manuscript to the readers. This section should be contained one paragraph and do not exceed 250 words. It also emphasizes on methods, results and their implication.

Keywords: Specify 3-5 main words of your manuscript in this section. These words are used for indexing purpose and are useful for your manuscript retrieval. The words shouldn’t be from the words that are used in your manuscript title, nor contains acronyms. These words should be written in order and separated by comma.

Introduction: According to the information, motivation and purpose of the study, this section should be contained 2-3 paragraphs. A complete literature review of the research is necessary for this part. The reasons, main purpose, place and date of doing the research should be mentioned in this section.

Materials and methods: An overall view of the research plan should be stated clearly.

Results and Discussion: This section should show the output and interpretation of the study.

Conclusion: An introduction, short description of the results, and discussed points are mentioned in this section.

References: The references that are used should be contained the recent information in the field

Manuscript Acceptance terms and conditions

These points should be considered when submitting a manuscript:

  1. For sending the manuscript, you should submit it only to the Journal Management System:
  2. Layout: The size of the paper should be unmarked (A4).

The indents of the paper should be 3cm.

The line spacing should be 2.0.

The font should be legible and dark.

All pages even those including tables, images and charts should have the same format. All pages should be numbered and don’t exceed to 20 pages.

  1. How to prepare a manuscript

Every manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word office, font: B Mitra, 12 and included Persian abstract, English Extended abstract, keywords in Persian and English, introduction, literature review, theoretical foundations, analysis of model, conclusion, suggestions and references.

The following principles should be considered in preparing the manuscript:

  • The Persian title of the manuscript should be written at the top of the first page, font: B Lotus (Bold), 16.
  • The authors’ profile including first name and last name should be written in font B Lotus (Bold), 12, and their academic position, affiliation, scientific degree should be written in B Mitra, 10.
  • Persian abstract should be in 3 paragraphs, font: B Mitra, 11 and shouldn’t exceed to 200 words. First paragraph should explain the subject. Second paragraph contains methodology and the third paragraph contains the results of the research. Then, the keywords should be written in a separate line.
  • English abstract should be exact and complete translation of Persian abstract and written in a separate page including the manuscript title, authors’ name, their email address and rank position, keywords. The font of English title of the manuscript should be Times New Roman (Bold), 14 and written in the middle of the first page. English authors’ profile including first name and last name should be written in Times New Roman (Bold), 10 and their academic position, affiliation, scientific degree should be written in Times New Roman, 10 in the following line. English abstract  should be between 1500 to 2500 words and contain thses following parts:

1. Introduction

2. Purpose

3. Methodology

4. Findings

5. Conclusion (+Keywords)

  • Introduction contains the information related to the importance, implication and results of the research. The way of organization of the manuscript should be mentioned at the last paragraph of introduction to present future sections. The third person should be used throughout the manuscript.
  • Literature review should contain national and international studies and adjust chronologically (from old to new). The international studies come first, then the national ones. It is also necessary to avoid writing the expressions such as: ‘this research’, ‘this study’, ‘recent research’, ‘recent study’ to explain other studies. The researcher should use these expressions just for mentioning to his/her own research.
  • The title of the table should be written at the top of the table, on the right and its font should be B Mitra, 10. It is necessary to number the tables. The text of the table should be written in B Mitra, 11.
  • The title of the charts should also be written on the bottom of the charts, on the right, and its font should be B Mitra(Bold), 10. It is necessary to number the charts. The sources of the charts should be numbered and written on the bottom of the charts, on the right and its font should be B Mitra(Bold), 10.
  • The font of Persian subtitles should be B Mitra, 10.
  • The font of English subtitles should be Times New Roman, 10.
  • The references that are used in the manuscript should contain the recent information about the field.
  • All Persian sources should be translated into English and integrated with English sources in References section (font: Times New Roman, 10).
  • The citation style should be APA; otherwise, the manuscript will not be published.

How to cite a book:

  • in-text citation: (Author`s Surname, year: page)
  • out-of-text citation:

[1] Author`s Surname, First initial. (Publication Year). Book Title (ed.). Publisher City: Publisher.

 [1] Safaee, H.; Kazemi, M.; Adel, M.; Mirzanejad, A. (2010). International Sales Law (3rd ed.). Tehran: Tehran University Press. (In Persian).


How to cite an article:

  • in-text citation: (Author`s Surname, year: page)
  • out-of-text citation:


 [2] Author`s Surname, first initial. (Publication Year). Article Title. Journal Title, volume (issue), pages.

 [2] Grundmann, S. (2002). Information, party autonomy and economic agents in European contract law. Common Market Law Review, 39(2), 269–293.


In-text citation for the works with more than 2 authors: (First Author`s Surname et al, Year: pages)


The journal name and its volume (issue) for the articles and the title for the books should be written in Italic.


  • The references should be numbered and alphabetically ordered according to authors’ last name (the numbers should be put in the []). When different works of an author have been used in the manuscript, the numbering should be chronologically based on the date of publishing (from old to new). For example,
  • [1] Banker, R. D., Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. (1984). Some Models for Estimation Technical and Scale in Data Envelopment Analysis. Management Science, 30.
  • [2] Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W., Rohdes, E. (1978). Measuring the Efficiency of Decision-Making Units. European Journal of Operational Research, 2.

[5] Moghadasi, M.; Farajiha, M. (2013). “Features of populist criminal policies; Comparative study”, Journal of Comparative Law Studies, 4(2), 137-155.  (In Persian).



  • Dear authors, please enter your email address accurately in the related section.
  1. Other points
  • The corresponding author(s) is responsible for the content and the opinions that are mentioned in the manuscript.
  • In every stage of publication, if the journal finds that the manuscript has already been published in other journal in any format, the publication process will be stopped.
  • If the manuscript isn’t accepted for publishing, it will not be returned to the author and it will be archived.
  • The editorial boards with the cooperation of experts review the manuscripts. If the manuscripts are being accepted according to the journal terms and conditions, they will be published in order.
  • The journal has full authority to reject, accept, check or revise the manuscripts.
  • English Extended abstract: It should be extended (1500 to 2500 words) and contains the following parts separately:
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Conclusion
  • keywords

Click here to see an example of English Extended abstract: