Document Type : Scientific research


Shahid Beheshti University


Environmental protection is a major concern of the international community. Renewable natural resources and to protect the rights of current and future generations of sustainable development was concerned governments and international organizations. Sustainable development seeks to balance and compromise between economic, social and environmental. The traditional approach economy brown and maximum use of natural resources without considering the rights of future generation cause damage and result in environmental pollution. The green economy is not only a response to the challenges facing the international community placed to facilitate the realization of sustainable development is stopped.

In this study, the concept, the legal nature of the green economy and its role in sustainable development is studied. Describe the actions of the international community to protect the environment of the green economy and its vital role in achieving sustainable development is discussed.

Due to the natural capital is valuable and strategies for short, medium and long term in light green economy, growth and social welfare will bring to the community.


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