Document Type : Scientific research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 MA Student, Department of Economics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


Iran is a country that has experienced an increase in the inflation rate and the Gini coefficient in recent years, leading to the subsequent economic and social repercussions. Theft crime is considered one of the types of social crimes and is seen as a major factor in reducing social welfare. In recent years, theft has increased in Iran, resulting in social crises. This research aims to investigate and analyze the important economic factors contributing to the increase in theft crime in Iran (inflation rate and Gini coefficient) during the years 2012-2023, using the novel Copula approach. The Nash equilibrium with an approximate value of 0.9307 indicates the proportionality between Copula-Marshal-Olkin and the data, while the Nash equilibrium of the Gini coefficient and theft crime with an approximate value of 0.9032 signifies the adherence of Copula-Fisher-Hinzman to the data. The results and findings of the research confirm the influential role of inflation and economic inequality in the increase of theft crime. Therefore, policymakers must pay attention to and implement measures to combat the rise in inflation and economic inequality; because with the reduction of inflation and economic inequality, it will be possible to reduce the crime of theft.


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