Document Type : Scientific research



 law knowledge is inextricably linked to economics. In balancing social relations, these two sciences are always needed and related to each other. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important topics in economics. And research has shown that economic growth is positively correlated with the level of creative activity. According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurship is the engine of development. The goal of entrepreneurship is to improve the quality of life of people and achieve prosperity. Consumers are the most important target group to achieve this goal. Provides tax exemptions, facilitates basic business operations, protects intellectual property and remove barriers to production by regulating entrepreneurship development, protects consumer rights, including the right to choose, enjoy the right to safe and sound goods, and provides government support. This research has used descriptive-analytical method and using library resources to explain the issue that proper regulation in order to develop entrepreneurship helps to increase consumer welfare and protect the rights of the weak party.


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