Document Type : Scientific research


1 1 - PhD Candidate , Department of Law, University of Bushehr, Bushehr, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Law, University of Bushehr, Bushehr, Iran


The cost of the crime shows the relative importance of the problem of its occurrence. If the costs of a crime are high (low), the occurrence of that crime will be a big (small) problem. The use of economic theory in the field of law is not a new and controversial phenomenon, but what is new and controversial is the generalization of economic analysis to a wide range of institutions of the legal system with a non-economic essence. This research is descriptive in nature and describes and defines topics such as criminal policy and solutions to reduce the cost of crime. The results of the research showed that by establishing well-considered and tested laws and regulations, it can make it difficult to abuse the criminal process and prevent the loss of economic benefits and subsequently reduce the costs of crime; And in an efficient and effective criminal policy, management tools to minimize the costs of crime can be aimed at the structure of the investigation authorities and employment of labor, without wages or with minimum wages, which can be in the form of applying the experiences and ideas of economists and criminologists, with a scientific approach to obtain the tools of judicial exclusion or act in the form of using crime prevention methods; The criminal policy of England compared to Iran, with the use of institutions and in various ways in order to prevent the commission or repetition of crimes in order to prevent the density of criminal cases and the density of the criminal population by using the provision of minimum costs of criminal justice, has been able to achieve fruitful and acceptable results. find and reduce the aforementioned costs, which causes the growth and excellence of the criminal justice system.




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