Document Type : Scientific research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University



The optimization of resources allocated to the criminal justice system of the Islamic Republic of Iran depends on modifying the structure of resource distribution among different parts of this system and determining the optimal share of each section. Relying on economic approach to law and analysis of available data and statistics,the present study tries to provide a suitable solution for the optimal distribution of limited resources among the unlimited needs of the criminal justice system. The findings of this study show that paying attention to the court's budget and providing sufficient resources is a primary need. Also, it is necessary to pay more attention to the execution of the punishment.To reduce the costs of the criminal justice system, the certainty of punishment should not be impaired.By revising programs and policies of the criminal justice system based on cost and efficiency and reducing the use of high-cost, low-return policies, the costs of the system can be controlled. In addition, crime prevention should not be neglected. It is necessary to propose a set of performance indicators for courts and prison management. According to the performance of each section, which is evaluated based on the performance indicators, the optimal budget should be allocated. Consequently, in addition to greater attention to performance, the distribution of resources among different parts of the criminal justice system becomes efficient. Allocating resources to crime prevention should be based on the number of scientific preventive programs.
