Document Type : Scientific research


1 Imam Sadiq University


3 Shahid Beheshti University




Legislation, like other government actions, is a complex and delicate process and can be examined and studied from different dimensions. Among these dimensions is the process of carrying out evaluations that decision makers must be committed to doing before and after legislation. In this research, the question "What are the capacities of Iran's legal system to evaluate the effects of the law, especially in the economic field?" Through the descriptive-analytical method using library resources, it was concluded that there are potential legal capacities in Iran to evaluate the effects of the law in an a priori and a posteriori manner in the field of economy, although these capacities have not been explicitly stated so far. and coherent to evaluate the effects of the law in this area have not been taken into consideration. Some of these legal capacities, including governmental institutions, non-governmental institutions, and trade unions, which have been identified in this research; They can be used only for a posteriori evaluation of laws, and on the other hand, some of these legal capacities can be used in a priori and a posteriori evaluation of laws.
